Saturday, February 11, 2012

Santorum Declares War On Gullible Idiots

So there's this thing going around Facebook and Twitter about Santorum apparently declaring war on "heavy metal". First off I laughed when I heard that because as much as I can hear somebody like Rick Santorum saying something like that - it reeked of satire. However since I am a member of the 1% and therefore smarter than the majority of the population of poor people I choose to oppress daily (you all know my affinity for setting homeless people ablaze on Sundays) I didn't bother to do what every other idiot on Twitter has done with posts such as... *See attached picture on right*

Seriously people? Do some research. First off in the event of him saying something this astronomically stupid wouldn't there be some video of it? Camera phone? Smart phone? Official media publication? Second off...


Satire: The use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly etc.

Maybe one day Americans will grasp this concept or grasp a dictionary in their hands and bother to do something educational with their time. Until then I dedicate this post to all of you because I just am that damn #caring.


PS the part of Gwar playing for Mitt Romney had me seriously rolling.

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